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Administrators & School BoardTeachers and AidesOther Staff (Cafeteria, Janitorial, nursing, etc.
C.F. Cook, superintendent
Gordon Bennett, superintendent
Tony Daniel, superintendent
M.D. Carlton, teacher, coach, principal
B.V. Newberry, principal
Bob Hawes, superintendent
James Elwood Rodgers, School Board

Clyde Lewis, School Board

Dr. James Harrison, School Board

Dr. Edward Wayne King, Superintendent
M.E. Witt, 1st Superintendent
C.W. Foote, Educator/Superintendent
C. G. Green, Superintendent
Silas Moon
Nobia Lotta
Lulan Vaughan
A.G. Hudson: “Father of the Hamlin School System”; served on 1st school board
Ira Weakly: first school board
Tom Whitely: first school board
J.F. McWilliams: first school board
George W. Gray: first school board
Mrs. E. M. Wilson: first woman elected to serve on the Hamlin School Board
Mrs. Margaret Bledsoe

Odean Murphree, elementary principal
Coach D. C. Andrews
Joy Allen
I. J. Starr
Mrs. I.J. Starr
Miss Mary Esco
Becky Petty Brown
Coach Jesse ‘Red’ Burditt
Sue Codington
Mark D. Cotton
LaQuetta Henderson
Thomas Norwood

Dora D Mitchell 
Barney Popnoe
T.C. Blankinship 
Milburn Wink
Karen Harden Bynum McCracken
Lola Milstead 
Ethel Allen
Tim Jones, band director
Almeta Scott
Russell Green
Evelyn Sharp
Juanita Hawkins Jayroe
Lewis Cass

Coach Alan Cherry
Coach Joe Youngblood
Ruth Youngblood
Kenna Clifton
Lucille Newson Connally
G. C. Collum: first band director
Mrs. Pauline Mayes Richardson
Mrs Hermona Jenkins
Harry Martin
Gus Young
Mrs. Frank
Jon Adams
Miss Mae James
Harry Martin
Russell Green
Maurine Wade
Mrs. James
Margaret Norton 
Miss Viola Avants
Mrs. D.W. Stell 
Mrs, Moore 
Mrs, Brown
Odean Murphree 
Maggie Mae Seymour
Hermona Jenkins
Inez Ferguson
Olivia Damien Griggs
Jesse Maude Maberry
Mrs. Moore
Mr. Harold Williams
Mrs. Harold Williams
Mrs. F. F. Shout
Mrs. Lewis
Miss Lulan Vaughn
Mrs Stephens 

Coach Don Drummond 
Coach Grady Allen
Coach Dan Morris Truelove
Coach Pat Hughes
Bettye Lou York Shira
Faith Simpson Absher
Becky Prewitt

Edith Scott Carter

Patsy Maberry Hamric
Katherine Ledbetter
Jess Parrish, band director
Mac Fullerton, band director
Jesse Powell: educator /coach

Nina Reynolds
JC Tittle-first football coach/gave us the Pied Piper mascot name
Lillian Tittle
Lucy Wood

Dr. William “Bill” Grant Ratliff
Janet Stafford

Coach Robbie Tindoll

Walter Pickering Chalcraft: band director
Mrs. Joe Stephens, School Nurse
Erma Wallace, School Nurse
Odis Fry, Janitorial
Mattie Conner, Cafeteria
Elaine Sanders Jenkins, Cafeteria
Elizabeth Payne, Cafeteria
Ramon Morales, Janitorial
Betty Haught, Cafeteria

Cleo West, Cafeteria
Vennis Parker, Janitorial
John Decker, Janitorial
Johnnie Faye Hastings, Cafeteria
Trine Contreras, Sr. Janitorial
Rachel Contreras Cafeteria HHS
Billie Shultz, Cafeteria
Ila Dominey, Cafeteria
Metta Warner, Cafeteria
Ruby Willis, Cafeteria

Mamie Rountree, Cafeteria
Dicie Brown Rogers, Cafeteria
Greta Maynard, Cafeteria
Bill Maynard, Bus Yard & Maintenance

Polly Putnam, Cafeteria 

Elma Ree Brewer Crowley, School Nurse

Woodrow (Woody) Goolsby, Janitorial

Martha (Connie) Goolsby,
School Nurse

Lorena Imajean (Jean) Davis
Secretary/School Nurse
Alton Williams
Administrators & School BoardTeachers and AidesOther Staff (Cafeteria, Janitorial, nursing, etc.
C.F. Cook, Superintendent
M.D. Carlton, Principal
B.V. Newberry, Principal
Bob Hawes, Superintendent
James Elwood Rodgers, School Board

Clyde Lewis, School Board

Dr. James Harrison, School Board

Dr. Edward Wayne King, Superintendent
Coach D.C. Andrews
Becky Petty Brown
Coach Jesse ‘Red’ Burditt
Sue Codington
LaQuetta Henderson
Thomas Norwood

Dora D Mitchell 
Barney Popnoe
T.C. Blankinship 
Milburn Wink
Lola Milstead 
Ethel Allen
Tim Jones
Almeta Scott
Russell Green
Evelyn Sharp
Juanita Jayroe
Lewis Cass
Bob Hawes
Coach Joe Youngblood
Ruth Youngblood
Kenna Clifton
Lucille Newson Connally
Fayma Downey Drummond
Mrs Hermona Jenkins
Harry Martin
Gus Young
Mrs. Frank
Jon Adams
Miss Mae James
Harry Martin
Russell Green
Maurine Wade
Mrs. James
Margaret Norton 
Mrs. Avants
D.W. Stell 
Mrs, Moore 
Mrs, Brown
Odean Murphree 
Maggie Mae Seymour
Hermona Jenkins
Eddie Jones
Inez Ferguson
Olivia Damien Griggs
Jesse Maude Maberry
Mrs. Moore
Mr. Harold Willims
Mrs. Harold Williams
Mrs. Shout
Mrs. Lewis
Lula Mae Vaughn
Mrs Stephens 

Coach Don Drummond 
Coach Allen
Coach J. C. Tittle
Coach Dan Morris Truelove
Coach Pat Hughes
Coach Mark Cotton
Bettye Lou York Shira
Faith Absher
Becky Prewitt

Edith Scott Carter

Odean Murphree

Patsy Maberry Hamric
Katherine Ledbetter
Jesse Powell
JC Tittle
Lillian Tittle
Lucy Wood

Dr. William “Bill” Grant Ratliff 
Mrs. Joe Stephens, School Nurse
Erma Wallace, School Nurse
Odis Fry, Janitorial
Mattie Conner, Cafeteria
Elizabeth Payne, Cafeteria
Ramon Morales, Janitorial
Betty Haught, Cafeteria

Cleo West, Cafeteria
Vennis Parker, Janitorial
John Decker, Janitorial
Johnnie Faye Hastings, Cafeteria
Trine Contreras, Sr. Janitorial
Rachel Contreras Cafeteria HHS
Billie Shultz, Cafeteria
Ila Dominey, Cafeteria
Metta Warner, Cafeteria
Ruby Willis, Cafeteria

Mamie Rountree, Cafeteria
Dicie Brown Rogers, Cafeteria
Greta Maynard, Cafeteria
Bill Maynard, Bus Yard & Maintenance

Polly Putnam, Cafeteria 

Elma Ree Brewer Crowley, School Nurse

Nina Reynolds, Special Education
Jane Murphree, Administrative Secretary
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